Thursday, May 31, 2007


but I gotta stay up. gotta email some scholarship people back home about expediting a much-needed check... thanks to my computer, which broke upon arrival in Japan (I'm using a brand spanking new one) I was pretty much out of money at the end of March, aka right before the term at Sophia even started. I now have around $300 left... yeesh.

but yeah, I'm tired because I got back from the Fashion Club meeting at 11:30. by the way, I got there at 6:30.

ahhh my head hurts from trying to listen to Japanese for so long! the Fashion Club (sen-i kenkyuukai), much like any university club in Japan, is super hardcore. They are now doing the planning for two shows that will likely be attended by hundreds of people: one using older and elderly models, and another whose theme has yet to be decided by the new members. This is where we enter the pain... the bulk of the meeting consisted of the first-years presenting their concepts for shows, real lofty stuff like "Ex-formation" (which, apparently, is the English opposite of information... I think it's like possibility) and Nationalism and probably Postmodernity if that hadn't already been done. sadly, I don't yet understand enough Japanese to completely stay with the presentations, especially when a senpai (senior member) cuts in partway and lectures us on what makes constructive fashion.

I joined the Fashion Club in order to do research for a paper I'm writing on masculinity, but there are a few other clubs I've been getting into since it's the best way to meet university peeps. I go to my school's guitar ensemble and Shorinji-Kenpo, a type of martial arts. I also did ballroom dance for like two seconds, but it all got just a little too crazy for me - people take their clubs seriously. standard practice time for everything is at least three hours in one shot, except for Kenpo, which meets every day at lunch.

also: we're going to Hiroshima tomorrow. I don't believe I'm alone in thinking that I'm not entirely sure what to expect.

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