Monday, May 14, 2007

golden week part 2: the platinum edition

due to a measles outbreak (yep, measles), we have a whole week off of school!! those time-consuming club activities have been cancelled too, which makes this the perfect guilt-free time that Golden Week (first week of May - kinda like a planned Spring Break, but for the whole country) could never have been. and all because of measles?! sweet, says my MMR vaccine. get ready to partay.

I kicked off Golden Week with a movie in Shibuya with Liza, Jordan and Christine, the Kajigaya dorm girls. it's been a while since we chilled, so it was nice finally getting to spend this time... apart?? yeah, so it definitely wasn't my intention to split up as soon as we got to the theater, but none of us realized that they were seeing Spiderman III, which I had already watched (on opening day, baby). no big, though; while Bad Spidey was keeping them company, I became yet another witness to the sprawling, multilingual sadness they call Babel.
good. grief.
and not just because it's depressing. maybe one-third of this movie is in English, leaving the rest to be decoded by Japanese subtitles in a really annoying font. I did learn something about myself, though - I have indeed lost all my ability (using that word loosely) to understand Spanish. God, 1 kajillion, Tower of Babel... let's say 30. some people just have a gift.

in happier news, on Sunday, me and some program kids got to check out sumo wrestling. even though our seats were as far back as far could go, you could still see the ring and all the leg-stretching, salt-throwing, large man-stomping action pretty darn good.

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