Tuesday, May 22, 2007

today was a good day

I have THE best roommates ever. this beautiful, lovely care package was just waiting for me at the CIEE office to take it home. got all the essentials! magazines, hair relaxer, Center Stage and Heroes, a new rubber chicken keychain, and a lot of love in letter form. such a pretty day, too... even the weather was happy for me!

oh yeah, still haven't updated about the craziness that was the rest of Golden Week Pt. 2, so I'll just put the pics here. started things off on Tuesday right in Kabukicho with a super-crowded birthday party/nomihodai for my boy Stephen (blue shirt, middle), which escalated into the kind of ridiculousness that tipsily toes the line of "too much fun." the owners were hating on us, perhaps with good reason, because they gave us bingo cards to get us to dial down the screaming!

the best part? that the night didn't end there. I missed my last train home to jump on down to Shibuya with leftover people from the party, which proved later to be a good move. our too-loud laughter (and various limbs) crashed into one another as we first stormed the Gaspanic club (dead, and as whack as everyone says it is) and then ended up at all-night karaoke. this picture was probably circa 4:30 a.m., but don't be fooled - there were always a few of us going at the microphone. gold star to Mauricio and Ai for making it the whole night.

the next day (same day?) Liza and I got on the night bus for our whirlwind excursion to Osaka and Kyoto, which is about 7 hours away from Tokyo but only 30 minutes apart. theme of the trip? Chill. we checked out the Imperial Palace gardens, caught some afternoon Z's in a temple, hung with French gaijin in Gion (geisha/maiko land) went on two ferris wheels, took in the Pacific Rim sights at a huge aquarium and ate soo much good food...
trying to climb trees at the Kyoto Imperial Garden. don't plan on getting into the palace, though, without applying to the tour

the craziest okonomiyaki restaurant... there were these mannequins sitting all around us, and pornographic woodblock prints on the walls
really big spider crabs... creepy

probably not a geisha, but this lady was having her picture taken while we were siesta-ing at Yasaka temple's pond

riding the ferris wheel in Osaka
like I said... chill

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