Sunday, July 22, 2007

let's talk maids, not masculinity

Went to catch an Akihabara48 (please see previous May post) concert with fellow aficionado Evelyn from Japanese class. Sadly, the show was sold out - all the dirty old men got to it before we did. The day was not at all a loss, though. We had dinner at this cool Indian restaurant that makes crazy naan (like brown sugar, apple and cheese, etc) and I had a naan burger, which could have gone terribly wrong, but was dee-lish!

Akihabara is good for several things, all pretty subcultural: anime, electronics, and maid cafes. Evelyn knows a thing or two about maid cafes, so she graciously inducted me into the super-cute, tasty goodness at Cafe Mai:lish. Sorry, wasn't allowed to take a picture, so we'll just have to make do with this:

we actually had the same person as our waitress! but she had on a cooler dress

I also bought a Nintendo DS Lite (impulse buy?) as part of my therapy through shopping program. I'm pretty excited about this; my emulator just ain't cutting it these days.

Took a break from not writing my many-paged papers to see Harry Potter 5 yesterday with some good peeps at Roppongi Hills. Very swanky theater. Very gross spider statue. It has

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